The PID of Bergamo was created in the second half of 2017 and it is managed by Bergamo Sviluppo, the Special Agency of Bergamo’s CCIAA (Chamber of Commerce).
PID (Punto Impresa Digitale) aimed to increase the awareness of local companies on the solutions offered by digital technology through free activities for the local SME, such as:
- workshops on Impresa 4.0 items and on enabling technologies;
- training on the job through experience center based on lean production (labour and service intensive);
- self-analysis to define the digitalization level of the local business companies (SELFI4.0);
- one to one consulting through expert insight, an original approach to creative problem solving and cost-effective delivery (ZOOM4.0);
- economic support through Digital voucher provided by Bergamo Chamber of Commerce.
Bergamo Sviluppo is recognized by the Lombardy Region as a Research and Technology Transfer Center (RTTC) and by IASP (International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation) as a Science Park since 2013.
Bergamo Sviluppo’s Science Park is located in Dalmine and for 6 years hosts the Business Incubator (active since 2001). The project aims to develop high growth potential business and supporting, at a local and national level, aspiring entrepeneurs or self-employed who wish to work in the field of innovative services or manufacturing activities. The Business Incubator of Bergamo Sviluppo is the ideal place for the growth of innovative ideas, the development of new technologies, the creation of stimulating synergies and business opportunities.
Thanks to these memberships Bergamo Sviluppo has become an important part of several local and national networks supporting Research, Development and Innovation, so is entitled to all the services and assistance offered by InnovUp, AFIL, CFI and CLUSTER SCC.
In tight collaboration with the local professional organizations, Bergamo Sviluppo, through Chamber of Commerce’s funds, offers specific training activities, updating/professional training paths, and finally services for the creation and the entrepreneurial development, job orienting and aimed advising.
Bergamo Sviluppo and its PID strictly collaborate with the University of Bergamo, in particular with the Department of Management Engineering, Information and Production and with SDM – School of Management of the University of Bergamo. The University provides its technical support for free training activities and Advanced Training Courses.
PID of Bergamo Sviluppo is part of the 88 PID of the network created within the “National Plan Impresa 4.0 2017-2020” implemented in May 2017 by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (hereinafter MiSE):
Aiming to stimulate businesses in adapting to and joining the fourth industrial revolution, the Plan offers a unique set of tax incentives, venture capital support, broadband roll-out, training from school throughout the university.
The Plan endorsed the Italian Chambers’ of Commerce important role in the business digitalisation process and, in broader terms, in the Country modernisation through the implementation of projects and the delivery of specific services.
The PIDs implementation allowed the creation of a community sharing information, expertise and good practices between its members. The whole initiative was also reinforced by providing Chambers’ officials with continuous training and qualifications on themes devoted to the National Plan Impresa 4.0 and digital so that at PIDs the enterprises found qualified up-to-date staff and, hence, able to facilitate their way into digital transformation.
During the project implementation, the Chambers’ System ensured close and constant liaison and interplay with both mainly engaged central institutions (MiSE) and stakeholders of digital and business innovation. All of this helped the project to gain visibility and strength as well as to develop shared initiatives and tools and in line with the objectives of the National Plan Impresa 4.0, the Digital Agenda, and the other national programmes on digital innovation, that represent the reference framework within the scope of which the PIDs initiative falls.
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